Occasionally, a search for last minute flight deals will present the best prices if you agree to switch airlines during your trip. Although an inconvenience, I think it's worth the extra savings.

For example, lets say you are wanting to go to New York from Seattle, Washington... and you want to go TOMORROW.

Your search for last minute flight deals will be very frustrating if you tell the search engine that you want a non-stop flight. Change the search terms to include layovers and airline transfers, however, and you may be in for a very big (big as in savings) surprise.

An article on the Last Minute Flights Blog mentions,

"It may surprise you, but experts agree that the answer is now an undeniable "YES". What was once considered a no-no and an extreme inconvenience is now considered a wise move for the airfare bargain seeker."
So switch airlines enroute, and save some bucks on your last minute flight plans.


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